Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Reflection of Speech 6

This speech was a week late.  We had to cancel when I was actually supposed to go because of the snow.  And so...I didn't practice until the next Sunday.  Ya...I procrastinated and didn't know the speech as well as I could have.  I have a few scripture verses in there that I was worried about having the controversy over.  It ended up being fine.

I didn't walk around as much as I usually do because I needed my speech ALOT, but I played it off pretty well.

The person who evaluated me didn't give me much feedback on what I should do to improve my pitch, volume, etc.  Basically what my speech was all about, but I think I did okay on it.  I loved the idea of this speech, but I felt I didn't have enough time to develop it. I should have shared a specific instant that my tongue got me into trouble.  Or I should have given a specific way that I was going to try to tame my tongue.  5-7 mins is just not enough time.

Everyone dotes on me in my club because they are impressed that only after my 4th speech, I am doing so well.  It is really encouraging to me, although I feel frustrated with the power of my speeches.  They don't seem to go beyond the lectern and they leave at the end of the meeting...if that makes any sense.

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