“The best way to find yourself is to lose
yourself in the service of others.” I'd have to agree with
Mr. Gandhi here. When you are troubled about yourself and
your weight seems too heavy to carry...turn to others. Lend a hand, a
foot, or even a smile...and find at the other side your own self.
Why serve? Why take what spare time that you have to give
to another. That's a good question and you need the answer. Service has
to be done with the right attitude or it is not effective. Serving others
fills a hole in your heart you didn't know was there. It helps
us forget about ourselves and keeps our hearts in check. I
am humbled to serve others because I find my troubles and challenges
are small comparability and it gives me
a broader perspective for my own life. Now that I have
convinced you of the benefit of serving, I want to share some easy ways that we
can serve to find deeper meaning in our lives.
The easiest way to serve others is by looking in the next
bedroom. Sometimes the people who need us most are only a hop, skip,
and a jump away. Quoting one of my favorite leaders, he said, "No other success can compensate for failure in the home." So often
we look for the award winning service, something that will stand out against
the other contributions in life. But seeing those that we love succeed at
their lives is reward enough. Who is close to you in your own lives that
you can serve?
It is said that when you serve another person, you start to love
them more. I tested this out once. I lived with a roommate that
drove me a like bonko sometimes. So I decided to find little ways in
which to serve her. I made her bed, I left little notes, and
I surprised her with her favorite candy after she had survived a long
week. At the end of the week, I took a little evaluation of the situation.
She was still grumpy and not much had changed in her attitude towards me,
but what did change was my attitude towards her. Serving her showed me
who she really was. I could step outside of myself and see life from her
Now I am married and I have a permanent roommate who I can try all
of my skills out on. Who would have thought serving someone I live with
would help me later on. I also have a new roommate, nine months old, and
the most adorable face you've ever seen. I am finding so much
joy in serving him. Motherhood is honestly the best service project I
have signed up for. I love being with my son, playing with him, loving
him, and teaching him the ropes of life. What greater service can you
give, but to your own children.
So recapping this thought, serving those that are closest to us is
the way to go. We learn life lessons from them and find our greatest joy in
their successes.
Another easy way to serve is by getting involved with a
group. One unforgettable experience I will never forget is when I went
with the 4-H club to the nursing home.
We played the game "Honey, please smile" with the patients
during a Valentine’s party. It's a game where you have to try to get
those in your group to crack a smile. A bold and vivacious patient sat
square in my lap, flashed me a toothy grin, and proposed right there on the
spot. My smile did not stay hidden for long. I cracked like an egg
and had a great time visiting with him later. It's time like these that you
realize it’s not just about doing something for others that they cannot do
themselves. It is about getting to know people and realizing that they
are just like you. Clubs and group settings are a perfect way to give
acts of service for others.
Luckily, we are already involved in a great club that naturally
gives service to others. Out of the ten
roles of Toastmasters, there is not one that would not benefit your club
members. An evaluator is key in helping a member improve on their
speaking skills. A toastmaster is encouraging others to speak in
an impromptu situation. Even the humorist is trying to improve
the mood of the meeting. I will never forget
when a fellow toastmaster shared a joke with us. He had heard some despairing
news that day, and yet he smiled anyway and spread some cheer. Now that
is what I am talking about! If you don't feel like smiling...smile until you
The last way you can serve is to get involved with your community.
Most people would think of big ideas like giving blood, adopting a highway,
or getting involved politically. But bigger projects are not the only way
we can reach out. Sometimes just a smile while passing on the street can
change the life of someone. Small things like saying hello, opening the
door for another, or lending an ear to a friend can go a long way in someone's
And that is why I do service. These little acts of kindness
keep me going. They help give me hope that this world is becoming a better
place, one smile at time. So you look around you as you walk down the street.
Who can you touch today? Look for opportunities to serve those
who are closest to us and value the service we give in our own clubs and
communities. Reach up by reaching out.
Wonderful talk. I loved it!