Sunday, June 9, 2013

Reflection of Number 7

This speech was trying to inform your audience about a topic.  I really wanted to start preparing my next contest speech which was about depression and my struggles with it.  I was worried although because this speech has to be all about facts and giving the audience information, and I tend to stray from that kind of speaking.  I'd rather tell stories, or connect to my audience through their emotional side.  So Micah was evaluating me and I was really worried that he would drill me bad for not sharing enough facts.

My speech was not completely typed up and it was scattered with facts all over it.  I hadn't quite chosen which ones I would share.  This speech was a dangerous one to do in general because it was so close to close.  And people have varied skeptical opinions about depression.  I felt guarded from the beginning...feeling like I had to defend its validity.  And then I got emotion...literally crying while I was sharing how tough it had been.  I compared to depression as being in the mud.  I gave this speech telling everyone I wanted to one day make this a contest speech.  I have alot of improvement before this can happen.  

  • I want to make it lighter
  • Not be so skeptical on my facts...Micah said that I would say a fact and then say how I didn't beleive the fact so I took away the validity of the information.  
  • Have a stronger analogy
  • Change my beginning
  • Don't cry
One day I will try to rewrite this.  

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