Sunday, June 9, 2013

Reflection of Speech 10

This was speech 10 (I've gone out of order) and it was also the speech that was for the International speech contest.  It is supposed to be motivational in nature. To start with, this was a hard topic to pick.  I feel I don't have or I haven't had things happen in my life yet that have motivated me. I have the hardest time being motivated myself.  So I asked myself, what does motivate we, and what do I do that I can encourage others to do also.

Serving.  I love service and I have done it most of my life.  Unfortunately I followed my mentor and closest friend in Toastmasters.  She has Crohns disease and gave a positive speech about how she's dealt with it the last few years.  She worked in skits from the Hillbillies.  She used comparisons and analogies.  It was honestly one of the best motivational speeches I have ever seen.

It was animated, funny, and thoughtful.  It was emotional, but she held her emotions in.  She was everything I wasn't.  I don't say that negatively although.  I say it with admiration.  My voice was shaky, I was emotional without controlling it, and I didn't have my speech all.  I had to finish 6 speeches before I could compete, so I rushed them.  And I didn't have the time to dedicate to my contest speech.  I didn't realize how fantastic they should be and how much preparation and innovative thinking you want to have.

I shouldn't have felt as bad as I did, but even as I was saying my speech, I knew I hadn't given the right one.  I really needed to talk about something that was deeply important to my soul.  I had prepared my depression speech, but it was too immature to even share yet.  But one day I would like to make that as strong as I can.  It was a good experience to feel that rejection and disappointment.  It will push me to do better the next time.

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